Jun 23
The UK Chamber of Shipping is delighted to announce that this year’s Summer Lunch will take place at a new venue, The Signet Library in Edinburgh, on Tuesday 13th June 2023.
Jun 23
The UK Chamber of Shipping and the British Ports Association are hosting a joint hybrid meeting to discuss various policy issues, such as accessibility and anti-human trafficking efforts.
May 23
The British Tugowners Association is delighted to announce the Annual General Meeting, Conference and Dinner 2023 will take place at the Clayton Hotel in Glasgow on Wednesday 17 May.
Apr 23
Guest speakers confirmed. Please save the date and register interest in attendance for BROA Technical Committee on Wednesday 26 April in Aberdeen, kindly hosted by Stena Drilling.
Mar 23
The UK Chamber of Shipping AGM and Drinks Reception will be held this year at Trinity House, from 17.00 - 19.30 on Tuesday 28th March.
May 22
The British Tugowners Association is delighted to announce registration and ticket sales are now open for its Annual General Meeting, Conference & Dinner 2022.

The AGM, Conference and Dinner provides an ideal time for delegates to meet, exchange ideas and network.