May 24
The British Tugowners Association is delighted to announce the Annual General Meeting, Conference and Dinner 2024 will take place at the Wotton House, Surrey on 1 May.
Apr 24
The Chamber will be hosting an online-only training course on the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC); how it has come to be the fourth pillar of international regulation for shipping, alongside SOLAS, MARPOL and STCW.
Apr 24
Members are invited to Save the Date for the Technical Committee of the British Rig Owners Association.

BROA are grateful to DNV for the hosting of the meeting at their premises in Dyce, Aberdeen.

Please contact Robert Merrylees, rmerrylees@ukchamberofshipping.com

BROA are pleased to welcome the HSE as guest speakers.
Apr 24
The UK Chamber of Shipping, in collaboration with Danish Shipping, the Norwegian Shipowners' Association, and the Royal Belgian Shipowners' Association, is pleased to extend an invitation to an exclusive webinar focusing on the Certification of Maritime Fuels. The webinar will take place 15th of April from 13h till 14h30 (GMT).
Mar 24
Members are invited to Save the Date and Register for the Offshore Panel meeting taking place on 20 March 2024 at 1400 virtually.
Feb 24
The Webinar will focus on Biofouling focusing on advantages and challenges from a ship-owner’s & innovator’s perspective.

Organized by Royal Belgian Shipowners’ Association, Danish Shipping, Norwegian Shipowners’ Association and UK Chamber of Shipping.
Feb 24
This introductory session, featuring representatives from DESNZ, is particular relevance for members seeking to understand the impact of the UK's electricity connections system reform on the shipping industry, with particular implications for shore power provision.

Feb 24
The Chamber’s Introduction to UK Shipping online course is an engaging online snapshot which will give participants an understanding of how the UK shipping industry operates, the regulations, constraints and current issues.
Feb 24
An introduction to the proposal to expand UK Emission Control Areas, offering members an opportunity to present queries or concerns directly to the Department for Transport (DfT).
Feb 24
The UK Chamber of Shipping AGM and Drinks Reception will be held this year at Glaziers Hall, from 16.30 - 18.30pm on 14th February 2024.

Join us in person to welcome our newly elected President and Vice-President.
Feb 24
EU ETS Strategy of Compliance Online Webinar ( United States Time Zone)
Feb 24
The Chamber will be hosting an online-only training course on the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC); how it has come to be the fourth pillar of international regulation for shipping, alongside SOLAS, MARPOL and STCW.