Feb 24

Weekly Bulletin: Friday 02 February 2024

Welcome to this week's Bulletin.

The Chamber went to Parliament this week for a roundtable with Shadow Maritime Minister Mike Kane to discuss long-term plans to decarbonise the industry while ensuring its prosperity.

Meanwhile, we are looking forward to our Gala Dinner on Monday, 5 February, at the JW Grosvenor House in London, where we'll be hosting over 700 guests, including the new Maritime Minister, Lord Davies of Gower. Doors will be open from 6:35. For more information on our Annual Dinner visit our event page.

In DfT news, Maritime Director Petra Wilkinson is moving to a new role very shortly. Thank you to Petra for all her hard work on behalf of Chamber members.

Chamber Holds Roundtable with Shadow Maritime Minister

Chamber members headed to Parliament this week for a roundtable with Shadow Maritime Minister Mike Kane to discuss how a future Labour Government could support shipping on its journey to net zero.

Opening the roundtable, Mike Kane highlighted Labour’s commitment to job creation and growing investment while helping the industry and the wider maritime sector reach net zero.

Commenting on the roundtable, our Director of Communications, Tom Bartošák-Harlow, said:

"Many sectors have long-term plans for decarbonisation, and we need to see a similar plan introduced for shipping. By working with the next Government to formulate such a plan, the industry will be able to accelerate plans to decarbonise while continuing to be at the heart of the UK's economic prosperity and wellbeing."

Find out more on our news page.

DNV Stakeholder Workshop

Last week, Commercial and Governance Policy Director Katrina Ross and Policy Advisor Elise Nyborg attended a workshop organised by DNV to model the impacts of potential mandatory GHG reduction measures on the global shipping fleet. The workshop aimed to receive stakeholders' input on key inputs and assumptions, particularly around fuel and technology prices, energy efficiency measures, and onboard carbon capture storage. 

This project has been commissioned by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) as a part of the impact assessment process for candidate mid-term measures under consideration.

The measures under assessment include a technical fuel GHG intensity requirement and economic elements such as a GHG levy or feebate, along with a flexibility mechanism. DNV's role focuses on the modelling of fleet impacts, assessing impacts on fuel use, fuel efficiency, uptake of emission reduction options and costs, and possible combinations of these measures. 

The workshop outcomes will inform discussions at the upcoming MEPC 81 in March 2024 to determine the final selection of measures.

DfT Director of Maritime Announcement

Director of Maritime Petra Wilkinson last week announced that she will soon be moving to the Roads and Local Group, within the DfT, looking at entry and exit systems across all transport modes. 

She thanked colleagues in the maritime sector for their support during her tenure. Her successor is yet to be announced, but in the interim, people are welcome to contact her or her PA, Sarah Alexander.

For general queries, please contact the Strategy & Programmes Team.

Latest member updates

Chamber members are reminded that they have exclusive access to a range of updates from the Chamber’s policy experts on a wide spectrum of issues. You can access all your resources through your member dashboard. Latest updates include: 

If you haven't done so, don't forget to register for an account.

Sign up for the Chamber's Newsletters 

To sign up for our newsletters you'll simply need to create an account on our website and choose your communication preferences. 

Members have a wide selection of circulars and other Chamber communications. Non-members will also have the opportunity to subscribe to some of our newsletters: Daily Briefing, Weekly Bulletin and Events Update.

Upcoming Events

EU ETS Strategy of Compliance Online Webinar 'Asia Time Zone' 

Organised by Asian Shipowners Association, Hong Kong Shipowners Association, Japanese Shipowners Association and Korea Shipowners' Association, and UK Chamber of Shipping, the webinar will focus on technical and regulatory aspects of the EU ETS.

Join the Webinar on Thursday 8 February from 9:00 to 10:30.


EU ETS Strategy of Compliance Online Webinar - 'United States Time Zone' 

Organised by the Bahamas Shipowners Association, Chamber of Marine Commerce - Canada, Chamber of Shipping of America, Liberian Shipowners' Council, and UK Chamber of Shipping, the webinar will focus on technical and regulatory aspects of the EU ETS.

Join us online on 13th February from 13:30 to 15:00.


Maritime Labour Convention Online Course

The Chamber will be hosting an online-only training course on the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC); how it has come to be the fourth pillar of international regulation for shipping, alongside SOLAS, MARPOL and STCW.

The course will be held on Tuesday 23rd January 9:30 - 12:30.


UK Chamber of Shipping AGM & Networking Drinks

The UK Chamber of Shipping AGM and Drinks Reception will be held this year at Glaziers Hall, from 4.30 - 6.30pm on 14th February 2024.

Join us in person to welcome our newly elected President and Vice-President.


Introduction to Shipping Course  

Join us on Monday, 26 February, from 2 pm to 4 pm for our online course on Introduction to Shipping.

The Chamber’s Introduction to UK Shipping online course is an engaging online snapshot that will give participants an understanding of how the UK shipping industry operates, its regulations, constraints, and current issues.


Shipping UK Conference

We are delighted to announce the UK Chamber of Shipping will host its first Shipping UK, Conference on 8th October 2024 at the QEII Centre, Westminster.

The Chamber is currently working on themes, speakers and the day’s format but early thoughts are this will look into the key shipping issues we will all face over the next 10-15 years and will include Keynote Speakers, Breakout Sessions, Panel Debates, an Exhibition and Evening Food & Drink networking event at the end of conference business. Tickets will be on sale in early January 2024. In the meantime, save the date.