In light of National Careers Week, we collated a series of inspirational stories from cadets and apprentices with the intent to inspire people and future generations to pursue a career in maritime. This could be a career onshore or at sea, a career that has no gender, race and belief barriers, a career for everyone.

 Read Kaci's story from Preston, Lancashire, below:

"I am currently a Deck Officer Trainee/Cadet with James Fisher, completing my final sea phase before heading back to Fleetwood Nautical campus to complete my orals. I chose this cadetship as I was determined to find a position which fits with my long-term goals, I have always dreamed of travelling the world and meeting many different people. This cadetship contributed to and encouraged me to develop many different abilities such as working in a team, communication, and leadership. I specifically choose to complete the cadetship with James Fisher as I believe it will open many doors and introduce me to many different opportunities".

"Throughout my training, I have mostly enjoyed and benefitted from actually working at sea, it is an eye opener from college to what the job intakes, I have enjoyed working with the guys onboard and learning about the job from their own experience. I have enjoyed all my trips for many different reasons such as driving the rescue boat and fixing valve gearboxes with the Chief Officer".

"My advice to someone who is wanting to start a career at sea would be to just go for it. When I first started, I was anxious and questioned what it is going to be like, but I just took it step by step. The only way you will grow is by pushing yourself out of your comfort zone, mainly focus on what’s best for you and the direction you needed to go in to achieve your goals and create your future".

"My family has always said to me  ‘constantly challenge yourself’, this put me in a mindset where anything that could be classed as a challenge is just a learning curve and an opportunity to grow and work on your abilities. T

"The only challenge, I can really say that may have knocked me back is confidence, I was never a confident person but when I started believing in myself, asking questions and speaking to new people everything became a lot easier.

"I haven’t faced any issues with me being a female in a ‘male orientated’ industry and I have been very lucky with James Fisher as everyone onboard the vessel treats me like another crew member and no different.

"I soon will be qualified and in future hopefully sailing as a Second Officer or Chief Officer. It’s hard for me to say what the future holds, but I will take it step by step and be open to trying new opportunities".