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The Chamber will hold an International Shipping Seminar on 11th July consisting of 3 sessions: Sire 2.0 vetting, Data Strategies & Wind Propulsion.
· 13:45Welcome Refreshments & Registration
· 14:00 - 14:45 SIRE 2.0 vetting, Aaron Cooper, Programmes Director, OCIMF
Discuss the latest Ship Inspection Reporting (SIRE) 2.0 vetting programme and what it means for both operators and shipping companies and then discuss the wider OCIMF vetting programmes.
· 15:00 - 15:45 Data Strategies, Joanne Waters, Legal Director, DAC Beachcroft LLP
As ships become ever-more connected, the volume of data being created has increased exponentially. But how do you turn that data into an asset, and extract maximum value from it? We will look at how shipping companies can implement data strategies that allow them to effectively use their data to improve operational outcomes, gain greater business insight, and generate additional sources of revenue. However, as the industry looks to realise the value of data, it must also balance those ambitions against the ever-increasing web of data and privacy related legislation and regulation. This is particularly acute for those initiatives that seek to utilise next generation AI. We will provide members with an overview of the data and privacy framework and provide practical tips to those seeking to balance opportunities and risk.
· 16:00 - 16:45 Wind Propulsion, Graham Harvey, CEO, Windship Technology
Discuss the efficiencies these can bring to suitable shipping trades.
· 17:00 - 18:00 Networking Drinks Reception
Member only event.