BROA works with a range of national and international regulators, maritime and trade bodies across the industry. BROA works with a range of national and international regulators, maritime and trade bodies across the industry.They include:The UK's Offshore Major Accident Regulator (OMAR) was established as the Competent Authority (CA) responsible for regulating offshore major hazards. In Great Britain, the CA is fulfilled by a partnership between the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and the Offshore Petroleum Regulator for Environment & Decommissioning (part of the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS)).BROA is an industry representative on the Offshore Major Accident Hazard Advisory Committee (OMAHAC). It serves as a forum for the regulator to discuss offshore safety matters with industry and workers' representatives. Health and Safety Executive (HSE) on offshore oil and gas, as well as offshore renewablesMaritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA)Civil Aviation Authority (CAA)European Community Shipowners' Association (ECSA)International Chamber of Shipping (ICS)International Association of Drilling Contractors (IADC)International Marine Contractors' Assocation (IMCA)Offshore Energies UK (OEUK)G + Global Offshore Wind Health and Safety Organisation (G+) Marine Safety ForumBROA, the Chamber and its members in the offshore industry support the activities of the Marine Safety Forum (MSF).Based in the UK, the MSF is involved in the creation of operational guidelines for vessels operating in the UKCS, many of which can be accessed at . The Marine Safety Forum also issues safety alerts, which can be accessed at the years, along with MSF, the UK Chamber has supported the development and updating of the UK Continental Shelf (UKCS) Supplementary to the Guidelines for Offshore Marine Operations (GOMO). GOMO UKCS contains best practices which should be adopted to ensure the safety of personnel on board all vessels servicing and supporting offshore facilities operating in the UK Continental Shelf, and to reduce the risks associated with such operations. GOMO and the UKCS supplement can be accessed at