Nov 24

Harbour Towage Panel 26 November

In person safety culture conference
Tuesday 26th November 2024
In person safety culture conference
10:00 - 12:00
Microsoft Teams

Members are warmly invited to attend the Harbour Towage Panel on Tuesday 26 November 1000 - 1200, taking place online via Microsoft Teams.

The Panel is open to all Chamber, BTA, and BTA Associate members, with its purpose to identify issues and develop policy relating to harbour towage operations and to inform the work of the Secretariat.

All members with an interest in harbour towage and related matters, including tug operators, class societies, law firms, P&I clubs, port authorities, marine consultants and others are encouraged to attend.

A full agenda will be released in due course ahead of the meeting, but the draft Minutes of the previous meeting (11 June 2024) may be found attached.

Amongst others, the following topics are expected to be discussed:

  • Towage Communications
  • Tug Use in Firefighting
  • Small Vessel Electronic Charting Systems
  • Wheelhouse Glass Standards
  • Rope Recycling
  • Training & Certification
  • Employment Rights
  • UK Standard Conditions of Towage

Members who wish to attend are encouraged to confirm their participation with William Rann via email. Additionally, should members like to propose agenda items for discussion with the Panel they are invited to send suggestions to William Rann - wrann@ukchamberofshipping.com by Friday 15 November.