Robert Merrylees Policy Manager and Analyst (Safety and Nautical) Robert leads on Technical Safety & Nautical matters at the Chamber, manages the British Tugowners Association (BTA) and British Rig Owners Association (BROA) and runs the Chamber’s economic & statistical unit.With a broad remit, Robert strives for navigational and nautical safety across the build out of offshore renewables, represents owners interests domestically and internationally via IMO on ship cargo, ship & construction standards, and is actively involved in the development of new funded training pathways for the small vessel sector. Robert provides secretariat services to the following groups at the Chamber:British Tugowners Association (Harbour Towage Panel, Technical Committee & Executive)British Rig Owners Association (Technical Committee, Executive)Safety & Environment CommitteeLithium Ion Battery Working GroupDangerous Goods Working GroupRobert is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers (ICS), holds a joint honours in Economics and Geography from Trinity College, Dublin, and worked with the Irish Maritime Development Office (IMDO) prior to joining the UK Chamber.Tel: 020 7417 2843 / 07425 863719Email: