Memoranda of Understanding The chamber works closely with other industry bodies and sector representatives to the benefit of the whole sector. UK Chamber MOU with Society of Maritime Industries & British Marine The UK Chamber of Shipping signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Society of Maritime Industries and British Marine, at the Southampton Boat Show in September 2015. The MOU sets out the basis for the three organisations to work together for the benefit of the industry as a whole. The organisations represent centres of expertise, resource and leadership within their sectors and with the aim of pooling resources and working evermore closelyunder the MOU will bring benefits for the industry as a whole. The MOU was signed by the UK Chamber’s Vice President, Grahaeme Henderson, Duncan Cunningham, Vice Chairman of The Society of Maritime Industries and Fiona Pankhurst, President of British Marine at the recent Southampton Boat Show. Society of Maritime Industries: The Society of Maritime Industries is the voice of the UK's maritime engineering and business sector promoting and supporting companies which build, refit and modernise commercial and naval vessels, and supply equipment and services for all types of ships and underwater vehicles, ports and terminals infrastructure, offshore oil & gas, maritime security and safety, marine science and technology and offshore renewable energy. Visit their website British Marine: British Marine is the membership organisation for the leisure, superyacht and small commercial marine industry. They represent businesses involved in the leisure, workboat, yachts and hire fleets and the equipment and sevrices supplying to those sectors. Members come from around 4,200 businesses in today's UK leisure, superyacht and small commercial marine markets. The turnover of those markets is worth £2.855 billion. Visit their website Marine Safety Forum The UK Chamber of Shipping and its members in the offshore industry support the activities of the Marine Safety Forum (MSF). Based in the UK, the MSF is involved in the creation of operational guidelines for vessels operating in the UKCS, many of which can be accessed at . The Marine Safety Forum also issues safety alerts, which can be accessed at Over the years, along with MSF, the UK Chamber has supported the development and updating of the UK Continental Shelf (UKCS) Supplementary to the Guidelines for Offshore Marine Operations (GOMO). GOMO UKCS contains best practices which should be adopted to ensure the safety of personnel on board all vessels servicing and supporting offshore facilities operating in the UK Continental Shelf, and to reduce the risks associated with such operations. GOMO and the UKCS supplement can be accessed at About the Marine Safety Forum The Marine Safety Forum is a non-profit-making organisation that actively promotes good practice and initiatives to enhance safety within the marine sector of the Oil and Gas industry. The membership comprises Ship-Owning/Managing companies, Logistics companies, Oil and Gas companies, Marine Consultants and other interested parties (e.g. Port Authorities, Trade Associations, Governmental Agencies, Ship-Brokerages etc). It is managed by a Steering Group of approximately 20 representatives from the membership and a Secretariat who meet every six weeks.